
Online Counselling

Online counselling is similar to one-to-one counselling with the exception that the client and the therapist are not in the same room. This suits some people and among other benefits, it can save you time from travelling to a therapist’s office and allow you to experience counselling from the comfort of your own home. It might be that for one reason or another, you prefer the seclusion of your own home or value better privacy that online therapy may provide. It can also be down to reduced mobility, low immunity and health reasons, or whilst working with a therapist who is geographically distant.

Online counselling can mean therapy via video applications where communication is both verbal and visual and is conducted in real-time via the internet. This can be done, for example, using programs such as Zoom or WhatsApp. Clients report that after some short time it is the same experience as working with a therapist face to face.

Some clients prefer telephone counselling, where the context is a verbal exchange between the client and therapist in real-time.

I also utilise E-mail counselling, which is a private confidential written communication between the client and therapist where there is a delayed response. This may suit some clients’ specific circumstances as messages can be composed and sent at any time by either client or the therapist.

Telephone and E-mail counselling are at a disadvantage to video online sessions as some of the therapeutic experience may be lost using these channels, however they may suit some clients’ individual circumstances.

The cost of online therapy is €70 per session.